Using External Sounds

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In order to add external sounds to Workshop levels, you must use the FMOD Designer.

Currently, Octodad Dadliest Catch is using FMOD Designer version 4.44.30.
Please visit their page and download 'fmoddesigner44430win-installer.exe'

Creating a guide on how to use FMOD Designer is out of our scope, but please look around for tutorials on how to use it.
For example:

After creating your events in FMOD designer, you must build your banks.
In your Workshop folder, you only need *.fsb, *.fdp, and *.fev filetypes.
FMOD may create temp files that do not have these extensions,
so please consider deleting them if you find yourself running out of space, especially the .fsbcache folder.

To load the sound bank and the ability to reference the sound events you made,
go to the LevelInfo object and set the SoundBankPath to the location of your *.fev file.

You should be able to then use the sound events you made using the name in FMOD.